This clipart is from the website. It shows a pyramidal neuron from the hippocampus. The website was made by the faculty of Washington University.
Shown here is Linus Pauling as a young man. This photo from the 1930's is presented courtesy of the National Library of Medicine. This website has a section called Profiles in Science, which has a biography of Pauling.
This is Eric Kandel, a brilliant neuroscience writer who recently shared the Nobel Prize in Medicine. This clipart is taken from the Nobel Prize website, which is one of my favorites.
This clipart is from the website. It shows an old (but very good) drawing by Lewis of the dura mater. The brain has been removed. The dura mater houses the brain. Unfortunately Lewis is deceased.
This is Dr. Carl Wernicke, who was born in Poland but moved to Germany. This is from the University of Illinois neurology website, which is one of my favorite sites. I have examined hundreds of websites, and this is the best one I have seen on neurology. The National Library of Medicine is a brilliant website, but one has to wade through many disciplines to get neurology information.
Another brilliant website is Synapse Web. Here is a clipart of Golgi, the brilliant Italian scientist, from that website. Golgi shared the Nobel Prize with Cajal of Spain.
This shows the sensory areas of the cerebral cortex. The drawing is from a 1902 physiological psychology textbook by Wilhelm Wundt. The entire text is in the Classics in the History of Psychology website.
Shown here is Dr. Julius Axelrod in 1970. This photo is presented courtesy of the National Library of Medicine, which has a very elaborate and useful website. This author (Olson) has used the NLM website more than any other website, spending thousands of hours studying the site. I have studied it for many years.
This clipart map of Russia is from the CIA's World Factbook website, which is only one of the CIA's sites. All maps used in my website, Curing the Terrible Diseases, are from this CIA website, which is also the source of all flags.