Forensic medicine deals with legal aspects of medicine including murder, battery, rape, etc. In murder cases there is sometimes a dispute as to whether the death was a natural death, a muder, or a suicide. In the case of Pope John Paul I, who died in perfect health after just becoming Pope, there was a dispute as to whether he was poisoned or not. No autopsy was done. In the Marilyn Monroe murder, the perpetrators made it look like a suicide, as was the case of the death of Dorothy Kilgallen. Kilgallen, a journalist, was suddenly found dead after interviewing Jack Ruby in his jail cell. There have also been disputes over other matters, as in the JFK assasination. There was no question as to whether JFK was murdered or not, but there were many disputes over the bullet wounds.
Shown here is a young Josef Mengele in 1940. Mengele was the type of person the National Socialist (Nazi) party wanted. This party was ruled by Adolph Hitler, who wanted racial "purity".
Shown here is the "Gate of Death" at Auschwitz. Mengele has been called the "Angel of Death".
This photo of Al Capone is from The Crime Library clipart website. Capone was behind the infamous St. Valentine's Day massacre in Chicago. Also involved was Sam "Mooney" Giancana, later to be involved in the JFK assasination and the RFK assasination. In perhaps fitting justice, Giancana was later assasinated himself just before he was to tesify to the Senate Intelligence Committee in the 70's.
This is Jon Benet Ramsey, the victim of an unsolved crime. The clipart is from The Crime Library website, which is a goldmine for crime buffs. A forensic frenzy occurred in which the parents were blamed, but not convicted. This author (Olson) thinks that the parents were innocent, and the real perpetrator(s) was a sexual predator. The police probably should have researched into what sexual predators were in the area at that time.
Shown here is Judith Exner, one of Sam Giancana's many girlfriends. Giancana was variously called "Momo", an affectionate name, or "Mooney", meaning "crazy". His brother Chuck revealed secrets after Sam's death.
This is Mengele in the SS in Berlin in 1942. In 1943 he moved to Auschwitz, Poland. THis information and clipart comes from the Crime Library website.
These are ovens in the crematorium of Auschwitz. The photo is from Associated Press.
Mengele did experiments on Jewish twins. After World War II he escaped to South America, where he was never caught. After his death, his bones were analyzed using forensic techniques. The bones were identified as those of Mengele. This picture shows Mengele in 1956. The picture is from Associated Press.
Shown here are JFK, RFK, and their father, Joseph Kennedy. Giancana is thought to have planned the assasinations of both JKF and RFK, as well as Marilyn Monroe. Attempts by Giancana to assasinat Castro failed.
The death of Marilyn Monroe was made to look like a suicide. Giancana planned the whole thing, possibly at the request of the CIA, as an attempt to silence her and taint the Kennedys. The attempt to taint the Kennedys failed, but Monroe was silenced. She may have been about to spill the beans on the shady connections between the CIA and the Mob.