I have chosen to review books that I feel are valuable. Therefore the book reviews will be largely favorable. Also I feel that scientific books are more helpful than political books, although advocacy has great value. The reason is that a cure for a brain disease is the best approach to the problem. For this reason antipsychiatry books, although numerous, are not that helpful.
There are some books that are on a profound level, including "The Neuropathology of Schizophrenia". Books by Hoffer are on a simpler level so that the layman can understand them. This is also true of books by Pauling and by Pfeiffer. Pauling has written many profound papers, however.
This clipart is from Amazon.com. The book traces neuropathology from 1896 to the present. In 1896 Kraepelin declared that "dementia praecox", which was the term then used for what is now called "schizophrenia", was a disorder of the brain. This was confirmed by Alzheimer in 1897 and Southard in 1915. Macroscopic and microscopic findings have been reported. This book contains contributions from leading international experts in the field. This book is highly recommended although, like other hardbound medical texts, it is expensive.
This clipart is from Amazon.com, one of my favorite websites. The book is highly technical, intended for doctors.
One of the authors of this book is Ming Tsuang, a famous Harvard psychiatrist. Almost all of the books reviewed are by psychiatrists, but some are more famous than others. The cover is from Alibris.
This book is by Birchwood and Jackson. The cover is from Alibris, which sells the book.
Here is another Birchwood book. The etiology of schizophrenia is discussed. Schizophrenia was formerly called "dementia praecox", and this old term was in the title of old books, including a famous one by Kraepelin. Another example was a book by Eugen Bleuler, who invented the term "schizophrenia".
This clipart is from alibris.com. The book favors orthomolecular medicine, which means the use of nutrition and natural body substances. Some people might call this alternative medicine.
This clipart is from Alibris.com, a bookseller site similar to Amazon.com. This is a fairly new book. One of the authors, Dr. E. Fuller Torrey, has been extremely controversial. His picture is shown on another page in this website.
The clipart is from amazon.com, a website that sells books. There are many books named "Schizophrenia", including a classic by Manfred Sakel. Sakel invented insulin shock, an unsound and dangerous treatment that was later abandoned. The book shown is called "Schizophrenia: Science and Practice". One of my favorites is "The Interpretation of Schizophrenia" by Silvano Arieti. That book is dated, however. The book shown is more recent.
Here is a clipart from amazon.com. This website sells the book.
This book is by Keefe and Harvey, two leading researchers. The clipart is from Alibris.