One of the most brilliant scientists of all time, Linus Pauling, tried to conquer cancer, but died of prostate cancer himself. Pictures of Pauling are shown on other pages in this site, including two pictures on Medical Quotations.
Unfortunately a number of great actors have died from cancer, often from smoking too much. Examples include Humphrey Bogart, John Wayne, and Sammy Davis Jr.
This clipart is from It shows Lon Chaney senior, the brilliant silent movie actor. One of his characters is shown, the Phantom of the Opera. Chaney died of cancer.
This photo of a young Linus Pauling is shown courtesy of the National Library of Medicine. The age of this photo can be seen by the car in it. Pauling was not satisfied with the drugs used to treat cancer. He felt that there was a nutritional component. He was severely criticized for this view while alive, but now he is being looked upon as a prophet by the National Library of Medicine and the American Cancer Society. It is now recognized that diet plays a role in colon cancer.
This cover is from Dr. Andrew Weil, trained at Harvard Medical School, favors alternative medicine. He feels, correctly, that the brain is made up from the food we eat. This is true of the entire body. He does not reject orthodox medicine, but believes in both orthodox medicine and nutritional alternatives.
This cover is from Alibris. Linus Pauling was no stranger to controversy. He felt that vitamin C had anti-cancer properties.
Sometimes the cancer wins, as was the case with Telly Savalas, unfortunately. The world lost a great talent to prostate cancer. Another prostate cancer victim was the Ayatollah. A survivor of prostate cancer is Bob Dole. More on prostate cancer is shown on the prostate page in this website. Although not a singer, Savalas did make one album. The clipart is from
This photo of Chaney as the Hunchback of Notre Dame is from the Bright Lights Film Journal website. Chaney's son, Lon Chaney Jr., became famous for playing Lawrence Talbot, the Wolfman.
This clipart was e-mailed to me. The Pap smear is taken from a woman's vagina. It cannot be done when the woman is having her period. It is a screening test for cancer.
Shown here is a movie poster for Phantom of the Opera starring Lon Chaney. This picture was made in 1925.
Shown here is Lon Chaney's son, Lon Chaney Jr.
Shown here is the rat pack, including Sammy Davis Jr. Davis had a tremendous voice but lost it because of smoking too much. He died of cancer. Unfortunately the same thing happened to Humphrey Bogart.