Much as the computer runs on electricity, and a car runs on gasoline, the brain runs primarily on glucose. In the normal state, the brain derives its energy from glucose metabolism. In an emergency amino acids can be used.
The brain is like the CPU (central processing unit) of a computer. The sensory parts of the body are analogous to the keyboard and the mouse. The sense organs, including the skin, provide inputs into the brain. There are specialized cells which are sensory.
The DNA, which is shaped like a double helix, is found in the nucleus.
Blood cells are shown in this drawing in an artery (pink) and a vein (blue). The cells are the same shape, but red cells have a different color when they carry oxygen (in the artery).
Neurons with myelin sheaths are shown here. The drawings were made by Wilhelm Wundt in 1902.
Plants get their energy from the sun. They make glucose using photosynthesis. Humans get energy from the plants (or animals) they eat. Phytochemicals are found in plants. Some of these chemicals, such as vitamins, have great value.
This schematic of an animal cell shows various organelles including the nucleus, the mitocondria, etc.
The nucleus contains the genetic material.
The nucleolus is contained inside the nucleus.
The mitochondrion, which powers the cell, is enlarged in schizophrenia. More information on cell organelles is given in another page of this website entitled "microscopic anatomy".