Incontinence is a disease treated by urologists. Bladder cancer is another. Problems with the prostate can be extremely serious. The prostate can get so large that it can completely block the flow of urine. Steroids regulate prostatic growth at the cellular level. These steroids are made in the adrenal glands.
Lower urinary tract symptoms are called "LUTS". These can be caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia (BHP). BHP is also called "prostatism". Unfortunately BHP can cause urethral resistance. Bladder outlet obstruction is sometimes treated by catheterization.
The prostate-specific antigen is a prostatic secretory protein. It is used as a screening test for protate cancer. A positive test does not prove cancer, but a biopsy is done when the test is positive. A positive test can also mean benign prostate hyperplasia. This means that the prostate is too large.
Polyuria is a lower urinary tract symptom. This can be caused by hyperplasic prostatic tissue pressing on the bladder. The patient urinates too frequently.
Shown here are the male reproductive organs. This website attempts to explain things on a much simpler level than Campbell's Urology. The biochemistry of the prostate is very complex. Prostate cancer can be life threatening because it can metasthetize (spread to other parts of the body). The cancer must be taken out quickly by surgery before it spreads.
The great scientist Linus Pauling was felled by prostate cancer, unfortunately. Also shown in this picture is Pauling's wife and Linus Pauling Jr. Linus Pauling Jr. is carring on his Father's work. Pauling is the most famous person ever to come out of Oregon Agricultural College. This photo is sown courtesy of the National Library of Medicine.