This clipart from shows glycolysis. This means the breakdown of glucose in order to produce energy.
Again the clipart is from, which is a gem of a website that I haven't used that much because I just discovered it. This is the citric acid cycle, which is abnormal in schizophrenia and in diabetes.
This is the plasma membrane, also called the cell membrane. It has a lipid bilayer. The clipart is again from the User website.
Unfortunately many psychiatric drugs, including phenothiazines and butyrophenones, can produce tardive dyskinesia. This image shows an Arab moving in much the same manner as tardive dyskinesia makes people move involuntarily. The involuntary movements start with the mouth. If it gets worse, other movements also appear.
Here is a place that should be avoided for those following the Boston diet, which does not allow chicken. Fowl is considered foul on this low protein diet. The clipart is from an anonymous e-mail sent to me.
This is the mitochondrion, from the same clipart website. Cellular respiration takes place in the mitochondrion.
Shown here is linolenic acid, an essential omega-3 fatty acid. Omega-3 fatty acids are recommended by Dr. Andrew Weil as therapy for depression. The clipart is again from the User website.
Shown here is an animal cell from the same clipart website. Various cell parts are called organelles. The mitochondrion is one organelle. The mitochondrion is abnormal in schizophrenia, often swollen.
This is a scanning electron micrograph of red blood cells by Dr. Marion Barnhart. It shows the biconcave diskette shape of the cells.
The nickel & dime funding for medical research and the lack of government interest in orthomolecular medicine can be blamed on the person who lives in this house. I got the clipart from an anonymous e-mail.